
Snazzy Fall Wreath

Two things inspired this snazzy wreath - my younger sister's love of faux animal print decorations and a fun Halloween wreath by Landee See, Landee Do. It ended up being inexpensive (under $15 with Michaels coupons) and very easy to make. As an added bonus, it can be customized for various seasons and personal tastes. Step-by-step instructions are included below.
First things first, gather your supplies: a straw wreath base, ribbon of assorted color/design and width, scissors and pins - and that's it!
Next, wrap a layer of ribbon around your straw wreath base. This will ensure that no straw can be seen in your final product. 
Cut strips of ribbon and tie them around the wreath base. I did a simple double knot to make sure they wouldn't shake loose. Keep adding ribbon until the wreath is well covered. I felt that more was better, in this case.
Step back and enjoy!

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